If you think soup is bland and not tasty enough to satisfy your appetite, think again for soup is not only tasty, it's healthy and if you are on a diet, just prior to taking a meal be that lunch or dinner, start with a soup first. It is a superb filling agent and will make you full. Hence automatically the amount of your food intake will reduce. So will your weight with time.
Ingredients: Cooking time: 20 minutes
ü 3-4 pieces of boneless chicken (boiled and shredded)
ü Half a pumpkin (deseeded and diced)
ü 2 large tomatoes
ü 5-6 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
ü Fresh parsley or basil leaves (chopped)
ü 2 tbsp of whipping cream
ü Black pepper powder
ü Salt to taste
ü Vegetable stock as per need (I used about 4 cups)
ü White oil for cooking
1) Heat oil in a pan. Add the pumpkin & lightly fry till they turn golden brown in color. Add the garlic and sauté for 2 minutes.
2) Add the chopped tomatoes. Sauté for 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper powder.
3) Pour in the stock, add chicken pieces and bring to a boil. Add cream and sprinkle parsley leaves on top. Simmer for 5 minutes more.
4) Serve hot.
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