Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Potato Masala Sandwich

Recently I read an informative article upon spices. I never had any clue of information that apart from enhancing the taste spices contribute to killing bacteria and prevents food-poisoning. I also came to know that the trend of using more spices grew in tropical countries due to the reason of foods spoiling sooner in hot and humid weather than the colder ones. Now that's a nice bit of information. Isn't it? From now on while eating a spicy dish, think of all the good effects of spices rather than worrying over stomach doldrums.

If you are on a diet and want to avoid carbs, this sandwich is not meant for you, but if you are like me going by the demands of your palate, potato masala sandwich would be a toothsome treat to feast upon. I just love to have such sandwich once in a while during the weekdays.

      Ingredients: (Makes 8-9 Sandwiches)

ü  1 loaf of white sandwich bread

ü  2 large sized potatoes (boiled and mashed)

ü  1 medium tomato (chopped)

ü  1 large onion (chopped)

ü  1 tsp chilli powder or paprika

ü  3-4 green chillies (chopped)

ü  Paneer, grated (as per need)

ü  1 cup Sambharo or as per need

ü  1 tbsp white oil

ü  Few stalks of coriander leaves (chopped)

ü  Butter (as per need)

Note: Sambharo is a Gujrati Cabbage salad. I have prepared the grilled potato masala sandwich using a sandwich maker, but if you dont have sandwich maker, you can first toast the bread on a skillet and make an open sandwich.

I have used fresh paneer in my preparation in order to avoid cheese as I don't want to face unnecessary weight gain. But if you love your sandwich with dollop of cheese, you may replace paneer.


1) Heat white oil in a non-stick skillet. Add onion and tomato and fry till onions change color. Add coriander leaves and green chillies. Stir around for a while before adding the mashed potatoes. Add chilli powder and salt. Now on a medium heat roast this potato mixture till potatoes turn slightly brown in color. Remove from heat.

2) Butter both the sides of 2 slices of bread and pour a scoop of potato mixture inside one slice of the bread, and then add 1 tbsp of sambharo and grated paneer. Sprinkle paprika on top if you want. Close it with the other slice. See picture below for reference.


Two sandwiches in the making

3) Now put this sandwich into a sandwich maker and grill. Serve hot.

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